Balthermo – Our Wood Thermal Treatment Service

Balthermo is one of our key services, representing the process of thermal treatment of wood. We developed Balthermo to enhance the characteristics of wood, making it more durable and resistant to external influences.

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Our History

We are Baltresto, and our history is filled with experience and a passion for working with wood. Over the years, we have aimed to create innovative solutions in the field of wood processing.

Expert Opinion

We take pride in our team of experts with rich experience in the field of wood thermal treatment. We apply advanced technologies and methods to ensure optimal results for our clients.

How We Work

The Balthermo process is the result of collaboration between our team and the client. We welcome your projects and ideas to create a customized solution that meets your needs.

Why Choose Us

Happy customers
Positive Reviews
Monthly Orders
Sauna and Hot Tub Models
Years in Business